Captain Lorca, Cloaking Devices, Klingons, Michael Burnham, spore drive, Star Trek Discovery, USS Discovery, Voq -

“T'Kuvma was a beacon, a messiah to unite us. Deliver our race to dominance over a submissive galaxy.” ~VOQ  T'KUVMA T'Kuvma was a twenty-third century Klingon warrior that was the leader of his house and a devoted follower of the ancient teachings of Kahless, a tenacious traditionalist and also a Klingon superpatriot.    EARLY LIFE OF T’KUVMA T'Kuma was born in the House of Girjah, and was the youngest in his family. He had three older brothers and one elder sister. As a young boy, he was often bullied and intimidated by his elder brothers who always referred to him as...

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Ash Tyler, Star Trek Discovery, Voq -

“The one you call "Tyler" was captured in battle at the binary stars. We harvested his DNA, reconstructed his consciousness, and rebuilt his memory. We modified Voq into a shell that appears Human. We grafted his psyche into Tyler's, and in so doing, Voq has given his body and soul for our ideology”.


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