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The Daystrom Institute, a name whispered in hallowed tones across the galaxy. For Star Trek enthusiasts, it’s more than just a research facility; it’s a treasure trove of cutting-edge technology, enigmatic artifacts, and the occasional rogue AI.

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Enterprise D, Galaxy Class, NCC-1701-D, New Star Trek Movie, Star Trek, Star Trek Movies, Star Trek The Next Generation, USS enterprise, USS Enterprise D -

"Let's Make Sure History Never Forgets The Name Enterprise..." Jean-Luc Picard-2366

The USS Enterprise NCC-1701-D is arguably one of the most influential Star Ships in the history of Star Trek.

The flagship of the Federation,the U.S.S Enterprise-D was constructed in.....

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"The human adventure is just beginning..."

The huge success of Star Wars put a halt to the idea of a new Star Trek TV show and plans were shifted to that of a Star Trek feature film. The hope was to revive Star Trek with a feature film and that it would have the same success that Star Wars had enjoyed... It didn't, but...

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NCC-74656, Ships of the line, Star Trek, USS Voyager -

One of the earliest of the Intrepid-class starships produced by the Federation, USS Voyager NCC-74656 was built at the Mars-orbiting Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards. With 15-decks, 257 rooms,the 700,000-metric-ton Voyager was the first Starfleet ship to...

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Captain Picard, Current Star Trek News, Picard, Star Trek -

While the last century has held many opportunities for the destruction of Mankind through nuclear warfare, this particular time can only be described as absolutely terrifying, 

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