NCC-1701-D RSS

Captain Benjamin Sisko, Captain Janeway, Captain Kathryn Janeway, Captain Picard, Enterprise D, Jean-Luc Picard, Lower Decks, NCC-1701-D, Q -

“He's devious and amoral and unreliable and irresponsible and… and definitely not to be trusted."

– Jean-Luc Picard

Q is a member of the Q species, with powerful God-like powers to manipulate time, matter, energy, and even reality. After appearing several times in the 2360s and 70s, all Command level officers are briefed on the Q, especially this Q...


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Captain Picard, Data, Enterprise D, Jean-Luc Picard, NCC-1701-D, Star Trek Nemesis, Star Trek Picard, USS Enterprise D, USS Enterprise NCC-1701-E -

Data was created on the Omicron Theta science colony by Dr. Noonien Soong and Dr. Juliana O'Donnell Soong Tainer sometime around 2236. After his creation, he was deactivated when...

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Captain James T Kirk, Captain Pike, Enterprise D, Enterprise Refit, Guardian of Forever, Jean-Luc Picard, Michael Burnham, NCC-1701, NCC-1701-A, NCC-1701-D, Original Enterprise, Romulans, Spock, Star Trek The City On The Edge Of Forever -

The Federation Officer and Vulcan known as Spock is best known for his service aboard the USS Enterprise, his work as an ambassador, and then saving the Federation from a Supernova.


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Dr Beverly Crusher, NCC-1701-D -

“We have to dream in order to survive.” – Dr. Beverly Crusher

Dr. Beverly C. Crusher, MD (Howard) was known for being the Chief Medical Officer aboard the USS Enterprise-D and later the Enterprise-E, both under the command of Captain Jean Luc Picard and as the head of Starfleet Medical.

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Jean-Luc Picard, NCC-1701-D, Picard, Romulans, Star Trek Picard, USS Enterprise D -

Jean Luc Picard, a man who personified the Federation for much of the 24th century, was a Starfleet officer, diplomat, historian, archaeologist, and writer. He commanded the Federation’s flagships, USS Enterprise NCC-1701-D &...

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