Star Trek Discovery Is Getting A 4th Season!!
With Star Trek Discovery's season 3 not even aired yet, It looks like we're going to get a season 4.
According to the entertainment site Production Weekly along with a long list of other shows in production, it appears that a 4th season for Discovery is among them. This is great news as it will give the writers and producers time to flesh out stories beyond season 3.
Star Trek Discovery had a rough start with it's first season,deeply dividing Trek fans,but really hit it's stride with season 2. Season 2 ended with the USS Discovery jumping 1000 years in the future through a wormhole...Literally taking the franchise where no other Star Trek show or film has gone before.
We're really excited about the news that Discovery is getting a 4th season and with it being announced before season 3 even airs,that has to mean great things for the show's future. Guys, with multiple shows in the works and the films starting to get back on track,Star Trek's future looks great!!
We'll keep you posted as we hear more news!!